While looking through old documents, it is almost inevitable that the reader's attention will be drawn from the intended target to other articles. The reports below were found in old Scotsman newspapers. Although they have no football content, they may be of interest.

Mr Thomas K Cook, who succeeded his father as Town Clerk of Ardrossan twenty-eight years ago and has been for many years joint Town Clerk with Mr Robert Wood, is retiring on 3 April.  Mr William N M McDermont, Town Clerk Depute, has been appointed to the joint Town Clerkship with Mr Wood.
          The Scotsman, 21 March 1947  

Ayrshire Education Committee settled the problem put before it by Ardrossan School Management Committee by deciding on a vote that slacks are proper dress for schoolgirls.
  This followed a complaint that the rector of Ardrossan Academy had instructed a senior girl in the school not to appear wearing slacks.  The Committee appointed Mr Alexander W Clark, principal teacher of classics in Ardrossan Academy to the headmaster of Darvel Higher Grade School.
          The Scotsman, 9 April 1947

The small wooden motor ship, Dido C of Belfast, sank at the quayside in Eglinton Dock, Ardrossan, after having been damaged while the steamer Kantule of Panama was shifting from one berth to another.  None of the crew was injured.  The Dido C was awaiting discharge of a cargo of sixty tons of scrap.
          The Scotsman, 15 April 1947

Bailie Manuel presided over the large gathering which assembled last Sunday afternoon (1 June 1947) at the Garden of Remembrance in Glasgow Street for the unveiling and dedication of a memorial plaque for those who fell in the Second World War. The service was most impressive.  The praise was led by the combined choirs of the Churches in the town, accompanied by Kilmarnock Burgh Military Band, under the conductorship of Mr John W Mathieson. Paraphrases 'O God of Bethel' and 'How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine' and Psalm 'The Lord's My Shepherd' were sung. The Reverend J S Clark, M A offered prayer and Scripture was read by Reverend J W Symon, M A.
         Bailie Manuel, chairman, paid public tribute to the various organisations in the town who combined to raise the Ardrossan Welcome Home and Commemoration Fund which enabled them to give each returning ex-service man or woman a sum of over £6 and a like amount to the relatives of those who had made the supreme sacrifice. Ninety-three of their lads did not return. The total of the fund, £8224, was almost wholly disbursed. Some of it had been used to pay for the plaque. A little balance remaining would be handed over to the Town Council to make the Garden of Remembrance an even nicer place than it was at present. They could be proud in Ardrossan of the men they had raised. The whole community had been with the committee in their work and he thanked the committee for the devoted service it had rendered. He hoped they would be able to regard the Garden of Remembrance as hallowed ground in the coming years.  The Roll of the Fallen was read by Reverend Angus MacDonald, MA. 'The Last Post' and 'Reveille' were played by a bugler from the Royal Scots Fusiliers. 'The Flowers o' the Forest' was played by the Burgh of Ardrossan Pipe Band.
         Provost Cunningham said "It is unnecessary for me to dwell at length on the purpose for which we are gathered here today and no mere words will alleviate the sense of loss which is felt by those whose dear ones will not return. They died that we might live. Their name will live forever. We are again remembering them with pride during this service of dedication and may their relatives find peace in visiting this now sacred place. The committee deserve commendation for their choice of a memorial and here may I pay tribute to a gentleman, a former member of Ardrossan Town Council, the late ex-Bailie Gilbert Lewis who first conceived the idea of a Garden in Glasgow Street. In a garden one finds peace, contentment, rest, and a constant reminder of the promise of life. Although this Garden of Remembrance is situated in one of our busiest thoroughfares, it is surprising to find, on entering it and sitting down, the calm and quiet atmosphere within its walled boundaries. Here one is close to nature in all its beautiful simplicity and gradually the feeling of a Higher Presence beside one renews, strengthens and gives one courage to face the trials and troubles of life. I close with these beautiful lines of the poet 'The kiss of the sun for Pardon; the song of the birds for Mirth. One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.".
The unveiling of the memorial was performed by Mr William McCubbin of Ardrossan who had three sons (the largest number from one family in the town) killed in the recent war. Mr McCubbin had about forty-seven years service at sea and served for over four years in the first World War.  The plaque, which is of polished grey granite faces the central gateway to the Garden, and contains the names of the ninety-three men of the town who made the supreme sacrifice. The words: 'Garden of Remembrance' are fixed in black relief along the top and underneath 'In grateful memory of those who gave their lives in the World War'. The plaque was draped in the Union Jack and Mr McCubbin feelingly uncovered the memorial. The prayer of dedication was then offered by the Reverend D A Galbraith B D.
         The chairman, Bailie Manuel, handed over the custody of the memorial to Provost Cunningham on behalf of the Town Council. The task of the Welcome Home Fund Committee, he said, had now been accomplished and recognising that this had been an all-community effort - the Town Council representing it - the Council would see that the memorial and its surroundings would be kept in good condition.  Provost Cunningham, in accepting the custody of the memorial, expressed the sincere appreciation and thanks of the members of the Council and community to the Welcome Home Committee under the convenership of Bailie Manuel, for the satisfactory way in which they carried out their task, the completion of which they had seen that afternoon. He gladly accepted custody of the memorial plaque.
         The Benediction was pronounced by the Reverend Angus McDonald, MA. The Ardrossan Burgh Pipe Band played 'When The Battle's O'er' and the singing of the National Anthem was followed by the laying of wreaths around the memorial. While the wreaths were being laid, Kilmarnock Burgh Military Band played 'Sanctuary Of The Heart' ('Meditation' by Albert W Ketelby). The suitability of this composition for the occasion was very marked. It brought tears to the eyes of many. A wreath was placed by Provost Cunningham from the Provost, Magistrates and the Councillors of Ardrossan and one by Bailie Manuel from the Memorial Committee of the Welcome Home Fund. Others were placed by relatives of the fallen.

          Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 6 June 1947

Ardrossan celebrated the centenary of its erection as a Burgh of Barony with the opening of an exhibition on Saturday (7 June 1947) representative of the industries of the town.  The centenary occurred last year but official recognition of it was postponed until this year.  The town owed its origin to the enterprise of Hugh, Twelfth Earl of Eglinton, who persuaded Parliament to pass an Act empowering a company to construct a harbour and connect it by canal with Glasgow.  The canal scheme was abandoned although traces of it still exist.
         The present Earl of Eglinton and Winton was in the official party at the opening of the exhibition, held in the Town Hall.
  Others were Mr Thomas Johnston who performed the opening ceremony and Mrs Johnston; Sir Thomas Moore, Member of Parliament for Ayr Burghs; Mr Daniel Sim, County Convenor and Provost J A Cunningham and Mrs Cunningham.  The ceremony was prefaced by the presentation of a bouquet to Mrs Johnston, presented by Christine Manuel, daughter of Bailie Archibald C Manuel.  Mr Johnston, who was introduced by Provost Cunningham, began a speech with criticism of those people who went about proclaiming to the world that they were being starved, declaring that his old country was done and that there was nothing for it but to put up the shutters.  “Here in Ardrossan, you have one answer for that” he said, and referring to the town’s one hundred years of progress added “If we can inculcate this Ardrossan spirit all over Scotland, there is no fear whatever for our future.  These ‘hard luck’ stories of people who say that they are finished must be resolutely opposed.  They are a menace to our country.  They are indeed as great traitors as any in time of war”.
         Declaring that we had a great deal to be thankful for, Mr Johnston said the country was facing its financial, food and manufacturing troubles and, given goodwill and cooperation among all classes of the citizens, it could emerge from its economic Dunkirk as it emerged from the physical one of war.
  He congratulated Ardrossan on its industrial and municipal prosperity.  The Scottish Council for Development and Industry was busily engaged trying to attract new industry and infuse into existing industries the spirit of initiative and determination to succeed.  “Here you are setting an example which I most earnestly trust will be followed very widely up and down the land” he said.  Mr Johnston thanked Bailie Manuel.  The exhibition, of which the invited guests had a preview before the public were admitted, was representative of shipping, shipbuilding, railways, harbour, engineering, municipal services and industries located on the harbour estate such as oil refining, asphalt, oilskin, toys, precast concrete work and motor body building.
         Among ship models on view was one of the twin-screw motor vessel Zambesia, at present under construction by Ardrossan Dockyard Limited for a Lisbon firm.
  An interesting exhibit was that of the Hudson Bay Company whose fleet of supply vessels was formerly based In the port.  A special church service was held yesterday afternoon to mark the centenary and various events are planned for this week in celebration.
          The Scotsman, 9 June 1947

40 Eglinton Road, Ardrossan
11 June 1947
Sir Patrick Dollan, chairman of the Scottish fuel Efficiency and Economy Committee, speaking at Greenock the other day, is reported to have said that a new system of communal heating was “over four times as cheap as orthodox heating methods”.  Here is a matter which surely invites prompt and thorough investigation by the scientific advisers of the Ministries of Health and of Fuel and Power.  Few developments, if the claim is substantiated, promise so many benefits to so many people in the everyday things of life.  Space heating and presumably hot water for the housewife without effort or dirt, a purer atmosphere and substantial economy in fuel consumption – these are consummations devoutly to be wished.  Does the new system make them available now at reasonable cost?
I am et cetera
D J Macoustra
          The Scotsman, 13 June 1947


About 40000 Orangemen attended a demonstration at Montfode Park, Ardrossan on Saturday (5 July 1947).  The procession included contingents from the various lodges in Glasgow, Ayrshire, Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire and one of a thousand from Belfast.  Brother F D Forrian, Grand Master for Scotland, presided and Brother Grant, Senior Deputy Grand Master, said the gathering was a complete answer to their critics who claimed that Orangism in Scotland was dead.  All over the world, the Orange institutions were still determined that no organisation or Government would take away the liberties that had been handed down to them.  Headed by flute, pipe and accordion bands, a procession of about five thousand Orangemen passed through the streets of Glasgow following the demonstration at Ardrossan.
          The Scotsman, 7 July 1947

A striking illustration of the steep rise in British shipbuilding prices was given by Sir Alfred H Read, chairman of Coast Lines Limited, when the motor vessel Baltic Coast, 2400 tons deadweight, was launched for his firm yesterday by Ardrossan Dockyard Company Limited.  Lady Read performed the naming ceremony.  Sir Alfred, who is also vice-chairman of the builders, said that the Ardrossan Dockyard Company employed on the average 550 employees.  He often though, he continued, that a shipowner must be either overbold or the biggest fool on earth to consider the building of new ships at the present high cost of production.  If this country was to go ahead and recover itself, somebody had to take a risk.  If nobody took a risk, they would all go down.
         Sir Alfred continued “As a shipowner, I am well aware that I may be ridiculous by building ships at this enormous cost – double and often treble the cost of production pre-war.
  The ship you have just seen launched would have cost something about £60000 to £70000.  I think she will cost when complete, something in the neighbourhood of £180000 to £190000.  I have no objection to paying high rates of wages but I have the strongest and utmost objection to paying high rates of wages with a reduction in output".  Sir Alfred intimated that Mr John Colman, manager and director, had been appointed managing director of Ardrossan Dockyard.  Mr R B King, chief draughtsman and Mr John G Logan, accountant, had been appointed directors.
          The Scotsman, 28 November 1947