While looking through old documents, it is almost inevitable that the reader's attention will be drawn from the intended target to other articles. The reports below were found in old Ardrossan and Saltcoats Heralds. Although they have no football content, they may be of interest.

On Wednesday evening (3 January 1894), a young woman, about sixteen or seventeen years of age, had a narrow escape from being injured while leaving the train which arrives in Stevenston from Ardrossan about 7 pm. The young woman seemed impatient till the compartment in which she was seated had reached the platform, the train having stopped before all carriages had passed the gates. Notwithstanding the shouts of the guards to keep seats, the young woman persisted in leaving and jumped on to the line with the result that she fell beneath the foot board. Fortunately, the train did not move till she was assisted out of danger. As the train occasionally stops before all the carriages reach the platform, passengers for safety would be wise to remain in their compartments until they are drawn up to the platform.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 5 January 1894

On Saturday night (6 January 1894), a private rehearsal of Blue Beard was given by several ladies and gentlemen at Lauriston Lodge, Ardrossan. Several recitations were also given. At the close, a silver collection was made for the poor of the town, the sum realised being £2.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 12 January 1894

We beg to call attention to the advertisement in our columns announcing the above celebration. This interesting occasion in the history of Ardrossan Free Church (shown below as Saint John's Church in 1913) is to be signalised on Thursday evening (18 January 1894) in the church and is open to the public. We are sure many in the district will avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing the distinguished preachers whose names are upon the programme. Dr Stalker's reputation as a popular writer and as an influential city preacher is now very widely extended and it is well-known that he has achieved conspicuous successes as a platform speaker. Professor Lindsay has had his share of work in addressing great gatherings throughout the country during the jubilee year and has accomplished it with great distinction. Dr Addis, Edinburgh, is a pre-disruption minister whose reminiscences derive a special interest from the fact that a relative of Dr Chalmers was, for many years, an elder in his congregation. The Irvine Presbytery is well represented by the Reverend Messrs Connell, Macaulay and Landsborough. Mr H B Fullerton's excellent choir will also contribute to the programme. The evening begins at 7 pm in order to end conveniently for those from a distance. The special Sunday services will be conducted by the Reverend Dr Melville, Edinburgh, one of the leading ecclesiastics and one of the ablest preachers in the church.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 12 January 1894
A jubilee is fifty years.

At the meeting of the Parochial Board of the Parish of Ardrossan held on Thursday 4 January 1893, Mr J L Bailey, presiding, Mr Thomas Kirkhope gave notice of the following motion for the next meeting - that the aliment for single adults resident in the parish be 3s 6d per week excepting for non-residents and those who are assisted by friends.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 19 January 1894

We understand the Reverend R J Kyd of Stevenston will, by special request of the committee of the Ardrossan branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, deliver a lecture on Grace Darling, the heroic lighthouse girl in the North Church, Saltcoats on the evening of Sabbath 28 January 1894. From Mr Kyd's well-known abilities as a popular lecturer, we bespeak him a large audience. A special collection will be taken on behalf of the funds of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and as the object is a good one, we trust the collection will be liberal.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 19 January 1894

A special meeting of the Ardrossan Young Women's Christian Association was held on Tuesday evening (16 January 1894) in the Mission Hall, 90 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan to which members of the Saltcoats branch were invited. A programme of sacred music by the members with an address by Miss West-Watson filled up a pleasant and profitable evening. Miss West-Watson's subject was the Christian calling, its nature, aims, etc and her remarks were listened to by an attentive and appreciative audience. A pleasant evening was spent in the same hall on Wednesday (17 January 1894), the occasion being a social meeting of the monitors and a few children attending the children's Sabbath morning service. Recitations, hymns and addresses followed the tea. An interesting feature of the evening was the distribution of prizes to children for repetition of texts, attendance and proficiency.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 19 January 1894

That property in Glasgow Street and Montgomerie Lane, Ardrossan, occupied by Mr Allan, painter, and others which belonged to the late Daniel Wright, Lamlash, was exposed for public sale on Tuesday last (23 January 1894) in the Town Hall and purchased at the upset price of £1700 by Mr James Wilson, joiner. Mr Kirkhope acted as solicitor and Mr Bennett as auctioneer.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 26 January 1894

The monthly meeting of the School Board was held in the Town Hall, Ardrossan (shown below in the early 1890s and early 1910s and as the Masonic Hall in 2003) yesterday (1 February 1894), Reverend J D McCall presiding. There was a good attendance of members. It was agreed that the election should fall upon 14 April, Mr Cook, clerk, to be the returning officer.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 2 February 1894

Structural improvements are presently in progress in connection with the Ardrossan Post Office. In the present state of the work, it would not be easy to say what the result will be. Time will tell.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 9 February 1894

On Friday evening (16 February 1894), Mr E J Hill, with a number of boys and girls of the Ardrossan Band of Hope, along with lady monitors, paid a friendly visit to Trinity Church Saltcoats Band of Hope and gave an entertainment consisting of dialogues, songs, recitations and violin solos which was greatly enjoyed and warmly applauded. It is expected that a return visit will be paid by members of the Trinity Church Band of Hope to Ardrossan Band of Hope.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 23 February 1894

We learn that James Thomson, Harbour Lane (shown below as Herald Street in 2002), and his mother have been appointed caretakers of the town's buildings.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 2 March 1894

The property at numbers 26 and 27 Montgomerie Street, Ardrossan, with ground extending back to Montgomerie Lane with belonging to Mrs Captain Kinnear has been purchased by Mr Charles Murchie, merchant, Ardrossan.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 2 March 1894

At Ardrossan Burgh Court on Monday morning (12 March 1894), five boys were fined two shillings and six pence each for rapping at doors. In passing sentence, Provost Young said this belonged to the class of offences for which the parents of the children were very much to blame and cautioned the boys that if they were brought before him on the same charge a second time, they would be more rigorously dealt with.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 16 March 1894

Mr R M Sellars of Glasgow has commenced his second season's tuition of dancing and callisthenics in Ardrossan with very satisfactory results.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 13 April 1894

At Ardrossan Burgh Court on Monday (16 April 1894), a boy was charged with having thrown his cap at a passing bicycle in South Crescent, Ardrossan (shown below in the early 1900s), upsetting the bicycle to the hurt and danger of the rider. Provost Young commented severely on this most mischievous and reprehensible practice and imposed a fine of five shillings.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 20 April 1894

The teachers and pupils in Ardrossan Number Two School, Mr Comrie's, presented Mr Reyburn with a gold albert on his leaving for Cumnock and Miss Milne with a gold watch on her leaving for Dalry. Mr Comrie, in suitable terms, conveyed the token of esteem to Mr Reyburn and in handing over the gift of fellow-teachers and scholars to Miss Milne, Miss Barbour gave expression to the regret felt at her departure and to the satisfaction at her promotion.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 20 April 1894

Considerable indignation is naturally being felt over the pilfering of flowers from Ardrossan Cemetery (shown below in 2011). Such ruthless disregard for the sacred associations of the place only require to be mentioned to be visited with condemnation. To say that it betokens a lack of feeling on the part of the pilferers is to put too fine a point on it. Should anyone be discovered engaged in a practice so reprehensible, there can be but one opinion as to the treatment which should be accorded them.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 4 May 1894

On Friday evening last (18 May 1894), Mr Robert Headrick was entertained to supper in the Eglinton Arms Hotel (shown below in the early 1960s) and presented with a gold watch, chain and appendages, a handsome dressing case and a set of gold studs. Mr Hugh Hogarth, director of the Harbour Company, presided while Mr Craig, harbour manager, and Captain Shields, harbour master, ably officiated as croupiers. The chairman was supported by Mr Cook of the Caledonian Railway Company; Mr McKinlay of Messrs McLay and McIntyre, the firm into which Mr Headrick will shortly enter; Captain Arnensen of the sailing ship Breidablik and a number of well-known local representive public men. Apologies were intimated as having been received from the honourable Mr Greville Richard Vernon, Mr Cooper of the Glasgow and South-Western Railway, many prominent official of both railway companies and numerous local gentlemen.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 25 May 1894
This is the opening paragraph of a longer report.

On Wednesday evening (30 May 1894), when the steamer Ormiston was leaving the Ardrossan harbour (shown below in the early 1900s), a fireman who was intoxicated, endeavoured to go ashore by a stern rope. He lost his hold and fell into the water. He was hauled up by a rope from the quay and rejoined the vessel at the docks.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 1 June 1894

With commendable enterprise, Mr James Macmillan, Saltcoats, secured some time ago several feus on which to erect houses on the South Beach Road (shown below in 2002) between the South Western line and Caledonia Road. The hesitancy on the part of the Ardrossan Commissioners to undertake the necessary drainage work involved by the building of houses there, has delayed building longer than was purposed. This week, however, Mr Macmillan broke ground and by the Whitsunday term of 1895, intends to have ready for an occupancy two or more half-villas of eight apartments each. These will have their fronts towards Saltcoats and will be built of Ballochmyle and Kilwinning stone. Mr Macmillan has earned a good reputation in Saltcoats as a contractor and now that he has transferred the scene of his operations to a neighbouring burgh, he is not likely to fall short of the work which has already passed out of his hands.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 1 June 1894

In the New Parish Church, Ardrossan (shown below as Barony Saint John's Church in 2009) on Wednesday (6 June 1894) at one o'clock, Mr Charles Addis of Edinburgh was married to Miss Eba, younger daughter of Provost McIsaac, Saltcoats. Reverend William Rossie Brown MA, Saltcoats, Reverend Dr Addis, Edinburgh, father of the bridegroom and the Reverend Martin MA were the officiating clergymen. The event created no little stir in the town, more particularly among the fairer half of the community and in addition to those guests to whom tickets had been sent, the church was crowded by people whom curiosity had drawn to witness the proceedings. The ladies were, of course, largely in the majority but even beyond the seats reserved for the guests, not a few bearded faces could be descried. The weather was beautiful, indicating, as it were, that June has dried her copious tears and entered upon a length of days as fair and bright as both guests and general spectators joined in wishing the young couple.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 8 June 1894
This is the opening paragraph of a longer report.

We understand that J Bain, Ardrossan, a young and promising sprinter, has entered for the Queen's Park sports tomorrow (2 June 1984). This, we believe, will be Bain's first appearance at class running but the novelty of the occasion should not deter him from making a big effort to bring his name to the front in the athletic world. It is expected that a number of other Ayrshire peds will put in an appearance at these sports.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 1 June 1894

The Queen's Park Athletic Meeting held on Saturday last (2 June 1894), was the only gathering which had a special interest for Ayrshire peds. In the one hundred yards sprint, none of the Ayrshire peds got placed. J Bain of Ardrossan, who had seven and a half yards, lessened his chance by being penalised by a yard.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 8 June 1894

Messrs Burns have pleasure in announcing that the Adder will resume sailing from Ardrossan on Friday, today, (22 June 1894) and that the through connections with the west of Scotland, Edinburgh and the north will be maintained on and after this date.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 22 June 1894

At Monday's (25 June 1894) Burgh Court, before Provost Young and Bailies Anderson and McCarroll, four boys were charged with playing football on the streets. They pleaded guilty. The parents were present. Provost Young severely admonished both parents and boys and imposed a fine of two shillings and sixpence in each case.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 29 June 1894

As is naturally to be expected from a gentleman of Mr Fleming's enterprise and business ability, considerable improvements of various kinds have been effected on the Eglinton Arms Hotel (shown below in the early 1960s) the most recent being an extension of the hall. The adjacent room has now been included and the additional space thus secured will admit of a party of a hindered dining easily. Besides, a new floor of pitch pine has been put in, the halls and ceiling redecorated and a complete set of new gas ornaments furnished. The result is a very great improvement in the appearance of the hall as well as its practical utility. The joiner work was executed by Messrs Armour, Irvine; painter work by Messrs John Gilfillan and Son, Ardrossan, Irvine and West Kilbride and the gas fitting, etc, by Messrs Hogarth, Ardrossan.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 6 July 1894

This small but active and energetic body have earned the thanks of the community by the bathing facilities which they have provided - for themselves, naturally, in the first instance - and also for the public at large. The suitability of The Inches (shown below in 2003) as a bathing ground need not be demonstrated at any length. It is patent to anyone who cares to visit the neighbourhood. The spot is convenient to the town and yet is so far removed from the closeness of holidaymakers and visitors that bathers may disport themselves in the water to their hearts' content and yet offend the susceptibilities of no-one. As for the bathers themselves, they have but to follow the wooden gangway laid down by the Association and then plunge into water that washes over sand so soft that the mind of the swimmer is never disturbed by the thought of danger to his limbs. Mr Christie, timber merchant, has very kindly provided a new raft and a six foot diving board both of which are very extensively used. Lord Eglinton has accepted the office of honorary president of the Association. His Lordship is thoroughly in sympathy with the objects of the Association and one of the ways in which he has shown his sympathy has been by giving a generous donation to the funds. The Commissioners of the burgh alone refuse to entertain any proposal to augment the bathing facilities. It is fresh in the minds of the ratepayers that the Commissioners were by no means behindhand in putting proprietors to considerable expense in the matter of cleansing the burgh. They issued an order that ashpits should be covered and cesspools provided for the removal of objectionable liquid and hard upon the heels of this order came another for the total abolition of ashpits in certain parts of the burgh. This they did to secure cleanliness in the vicinity of dwelling homes and yet they refuse to lend any assistance to secure cleanliness of the person. It is to be hoped that once they have completely recovered from the effects of swallowing this monster camel of the ashpits, the Commissioners will see the inconsistency of straining at a goat in the shape of increased bathing facilities and will proceed to take their place among other local authorities on the seaboard in regard to this important and by no means expensive matter.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 6 July 1894

It will gratify old friends in Ardrossan to know that Mr Duncan Glass, Shangai, is on a visit to his native west of Scotland. He was in Ardrossan on Wednesday (18 July 1894).
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 20 July 1894

Miss Peggy Wallace, Ardrossan, a pupil of Miss L Spence has successfully passed her theory examination, Junior Division, of the Trinity College, London.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 20 July 1894

Miss Agnes Thomson, pupil of Miss Henderson, Bath House, Ardrossan, has successfully passed the Trinity College examination in musical knowledge.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 27 July 1894

The white cattle at Parkhouse is still a tradition in the parish of Ardrossan. The last were removed in 1821 to Duchal, Renfrewshire. It seems that on his Dorsetshire estate, Lord Alington has a 'white farm'. It is so-called because every animal on it is white. There are white horses, white cows, white donkeys, white hares from Siberia and a white pigmy bull. The dogs and the cats are white and so are the rats and mice.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 27 July 1894

Constable Kelly has been removed from Ardrossan to Prestwick. Few policemen could devote more care to getting up a case than Constable Kelly. He was perhaps the best-known policeman in the burgh and no-one was more dreaded by habitual lawbreakers. It is to be hoped that success may attend him in Prestwick.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 27 July 1894

An election of office-bearers in Ardrossan Free Church was held on Sunday last (22 July 1894), the result of which was declared on Monday night. Three elders and five deacons were required and the following were elected. Elders - Messrs Dykes, Emslie and Robertson. Deacons - J B Smith, Hastings, Gemmell, Kerr and McCallum.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 27 July 1894

Yesterday morning (9 August 1894), a lock-fast drawer in the office attached to Ardrossan Sawmills was found to have been entered during the night and a sum of five pounds extracted. The police have presently the case in hand. It will be remembered that a similar occurrence took place in the same office some time ago.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 10 August 1894

Mr L W Mathieson, son of Mr Mathieson, painter, Ardrossan, is on the staff of the People's Palace Day Technical School, London. Mr Mathieson, who has devoted his attention to chemistry, is assistant demonstrator in that science. The prospectus for 1894-95, just issued, is a most interesting pamphlet and conveys the impression that the school is a splendid agency for good.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 10 August 1894

The directors or Ardrossan Academy (shown below as the ruins of Saint Peter's School in 2002) taking advantage of the education grant from the County Council, have strengthened the teaching staff by the appointment of Mr McTavish who come with high recommendations of scholastic abilities. Other changes contemplated are that full effect may be given to the increasing demand for a high-class secondary education and that the Academy may become what it was originally intended to be - an efficiently conducted educational institution for the higher branches of the district, embracing on the one hand, Largs and on the other, Stevenston.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 10 August 1894

Grouse-shooting opened on Monday (13 August 1894). All over, coveys are reported small but healthy. In Ardrossan, the honourable William Montgomery was out for a walk over Busby Moor and killed two and half brace grouse, one brace snipe, one plover and some rabbits.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 17 August 1894

Mr David Rowan junior, Glasgow Street, Ardrossan, was last week the recipient of a handsome dressing case from his daily fellow travellers to Glasgow as a small token of their respect and esteem on the occasion of his marriage. The presentation took place in the Winton Arms Hotel, Kilwinning.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 24 August 1894

Amid the prevailing dullness of trade, it is pleasing to note that building continues to flourish in Ardrossan. The young and energetic building firm of Smith Brothers have effected the sale of the double cottage recently erected by them in Caledonia Road (shown below in the early 1900s and 2002), the new street running from Eglinton Street to North Crescent. The firm is presently engaged upon the erection of a very fine property in Hill Place for Mr John Nicol, coal agent.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 14 September 1894

At the Justice of Peace Court held on Monday (17 September 1894), Provost Young and Mr Arthur Guthrie on the bench, the licence held by Mrs Clark, Railway Hotel, Ardrossan was transferred to Mr Daniel Roberts, spirit merchant, Bathgate.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 21 September 1894

The question of the formation of a band in Ardrossan, Saltcoats and Stevenston has frequently engaged the minds of our townsmen but without any practical result. We understand that it is again on the tapis. A bandmaster of approved quality and an experience extending to over eighteen years has been found willing to undertake the teaching of an instrumental band. The younger men in the neighbourhood should lose no time in setting a movement a-going for the institution of such a desirable organisation. In villages where there are no inducements for young to remain, instrumental bands flourish. Locally, combinations for the study and the furtherance of vocal music succeed past expectations and there seems no good reason why a band should not be started on a prosperous career without delay. What is necessary is that some influential gentlemen should take the matter in hand. To put it on the lowest ground, it would pay.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 28 September 1894

The merchants of Ardrossan have agreed upon early closing from 1 October till the end of March. The shops were closed this week at seven o'clock.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 5 October 1894

This rather unusual sight was witnessed by a Saltcoats crowd the other night in Countess Street. He was an itinerant vendor of stationery and according to his wife's story had been paying more attention to a young woman than he should have done. The injured wife lay in wait for him and, as he came out of a shop where he was doing trade, he was made aware of her presence by a sounding smack on the ear. A crack on the other ear dexterously given set straight him on his feet again and he started off at a run with his wife after him. She caught him not far from the railway station and soundly cuffed him. He did not strike back but some person in the crowd raising a cry that the police were coming, he took advantage of the confusion to slip away.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 5 October 1894

The local burghs were represented by a meeting of the Association in Perth on Wednesday (10 October 1894) by Mr John Adams, Ardrossan; Mr James Campbell, Saltcoats and Mr R C King, Kilwinning, the Lord Provost of Perth entertaining the Society to luncheon.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 12 October 1894

The pilfering of coals is becoming all too common in Ardrossan. At the Burgh Court on Monday morning (22 October 1984), a woman pled guilty to having attempted to steal coals from the Caledonian Railway stable yard at the upper end of Glasgow Street. She was dismissed with an admonition.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 26 October 1894

Two batches of tenants from Montgomerie Lane, Ardrossan, were had up at court on Monday morning (22 October 1894) for failing to keep their water closets clean. The hearing of the cases was somewhat protracted. In each case the tenants appeared to be under the erroneous impression that all that was required of them under the Act was that they should, in turn, clean the closets once a week, say, Saturday. They were each fined two shillings and sixpence, the fine being no doubt judiciously intended to impress the fact upon their minds that closets must be kept clean by the tenants in weekly rotation, each tenant being compelled to clean his closet, every hour if necessary, in the week that comes to him in turn. He must see that the closet is kept clean the whole week and every hour of the week.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 26 October 1894

In Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Ardrossan (shown below in 2002) on Sabbath last (2 December 1894), the new memorial window recently erected in this church and referred to in our last issue, was dedicated by the Bishop of Glasgow. There was a very good attendance. The dedication was simple but impressive. After the dedication, the Bishop, reading from Romans XIII, 13-14, made appropriate and profitable references to the leading characteristics of Saint Andrew to whom the church is dedicated. The music was good and the entire service beautifully harmonious.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 7 December 1894

The Jubilee of the New Parish Church, Ardrossan (shown below as Barony Saint John' Church in 2009) was celebrated last Sunday (8 December 1894) when the services were conducted by the Right Reverend Professor Story, DD, Moderator of the Church of Scotland and the Reverend George Alpine, BD, Dumbarton. The church was filled in the morning and crowded in the evening. A prominent feature of both services was the music. Both the choir and the accomplished organist, Mr J B Lawson, rendering standard pieces with remarkable skill and excellent effect.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 14 December 1894
This is the opening paragraph of a longer report. A jubilee is fifty years.

A meeting was held in the New Parish Church on Monday evening (10 December 1894) to signalise the completion of the fortieth year of the ministry of Reverend J D McCall (shown below). Admission was by ticket but the church was crowded in very part.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 14 December 1894
This is the opening paragraph of a longer report.

At the recent open competitive examination for sixty vacancies as assistants of excise in the Inland Revenue department, we are pleased to note the success of a former resident in Ardrossan, Mr George Kerr, now of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Office, Aberdeen. Out of eight hundred and one competitors, Mr Kerr has secured the twenty-fourth place and stands third in order of merit from Scotland. He was a pupil of Mr Alexander, School of Commerce, Union Street, Aberdeen.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 21 December 1894