While looking through old documents, it is almost inevitable that the reader's attention will be drawn from the intended target to other articles. The reports below were found in old Ardrossan and Saltcoats Heralds. Although they have no football content, they may be of interest.

The Ardrossan Ladies' Clothing Society beg to acknowledge receipt of money subscribed by the curlers and other friends to supply the poor of Ardrossan with meal and fuel. The ladies will feel obliged if anyone knowing of necessitous cases will report them before their meeting on Tuesday first (16 February 1875).
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 13 February 1875

The fifteenth annual meeting of the Fourth Ayrshire Volunteer Artillery Corps was held in the Orderly Room, Bute Place on Friday night (30 April 1875). There was a large attendance of officers and members. Captain Barclay took the chair and called upon the secretary, Mr Alexander Guthrie, who read the annual report.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 1 May 1875

On Saturday afternoon (22 May 1875), the crew of The Fair Maid of Perth manned the lifeboat on the South Beach (shown below in the early 1900s) during the prevalence of a strong south-westerly gale of wind. She was tested both under sails and oars and behaved admirably. There was a large turnout of spectators to witness the movements of the boat.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 29 May 1875

Mr Edgar Bates has been appointed clerk to Ardrossan. Mr John Tarbett, outdoor officer, Glasgow has been appointed outdoor officer to Ardrossan.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 12 June 1875

The carpenters in the employment of Messrs Barr and Shearer who struck work a week ago on account of a threatened reduction in wages from eight pence to seven pence per hour have now resumed work at seven and a half pence per hour.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 26 June 1875

Twelve months ago, a few parents, anxious to give their boys a better education than could be obtained by the present arrangements in the Public School, Ardrossan engaged a teacher, limiting the number of pupils to thirty-five. Within a few days after the proposal was publicly made, the full number was completed and Mr Laverie commenced his work. There have, from the first, been three classes, a junior, a middle and a senior class and the branches taught with English, etc included French and Latin. On Tuesday week (6 July 1875), James Leitch, esquire, of the Glasgow Education Established Normal School made a most searching examination and he has been kind enough to communicate to the committee the result in a report, part of which we subjoin and in a detailed return of each boys' place in his respective classes. On Friday (9 July 1875), the boys were examined in the presence of the Reverend John Stewart, Alexander Falconer esquire, Superintendent of Mossbank Industrial Schools, parents and members of committee. The examination embraced scripture, history, geography, reading and recitation. There were also shown on tables specimens of map-drawing and writing. At the close, Mr Falconer made a few remarks commending the efficiency shown in all the classes, especially noticing the excellence of the reading in the two upper classes, pointing out to the boys wherein that excellence consisted. Mr Laverie was commended by Mr Falconer and members of the committee for the efficiency of this school. Reward books were afterwards given to the pupils and the new session was announced on 24 August next. The following is part of Mr Leitch's report.
I examined the school in Ardrossan taught by Mr Laverie on Tuesday 6 July and I am glad to report that I consider the instruction given therein to be very efficient. The school is well-organised, well-disciplined and ably taught. Everything is done in an orderly and methodical manner and the moral tone is excellent. The examination, which occupied five hours, was carried out on the plan adopted by Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools and was most minute and searching. As usual, in Government examinations, it was conducted both orally and writing and a record was kept of the exact results in the case of every pupil. Twenty-three written papers were handed in, embracing questions answered in composition, history, geography and arithmetic. The results, both of the oral and written examinations, appear in a tabulated form in the paper returned with this report. There were thirty-two boys present, twelve of whom were examined in subjects set forth in standard VI of the revised course, eleven in Standard V and nine in Standard III. In addition, twelve boys were examined in Latin and twelve in French, in each case in two classes, senior and junior.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 17 July 1875

The Original Christy Minstrels of Charles Christy are advertised to give their entertainment in the Town Hall, Ardrossan (shown below in the early 1890s, early 1910s and as the Masonic Hall in 2003) next Thursday evening (26 August 1875). The abilities of this company are too well-known to require anything in their favour to be said by us. We hope, therefore, to see a large and appreciative audience on the above evening.

            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 21 August 1875


            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 21 August 1875

On Saturday (25 September 1875), the employees of Mr Ramsay, builder, (Kilmarnock) had a pleasure excursion to Ardrossan. The afternoon was fine and the trip a most enjoyable one. We understand that Mr Ramsay kindly defrayed the expense of the trip.
            Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 2 October 1875